Home to the IIDX Pandas

Thursday, 15 November 2007

Chem is dying -_-

I swear that with my current lifestyle, it will be just a matter of few more years before i see God lol.

Firstly, diet... OMFG... everyday outside food, no chance to eat at home and seldom got people cook for me.

Exercise, with my busy schedule of working and studies, where got time?? (got time for IIDX no time for exercises -_-)

Smoking... enough said

Hiaz~ anyway I got repetitive stress injury, and guess what... from playing too much iidx lol. Now my right hand is locked and very weak.
Went to pia under they sky last night... can AAA, but then my hand became weak after that lol... how to go zuah with the fellas??

Nothing interesting is happening to me these few days. Been playing Romance of 3 kingdoms XI, IIDX, Halo 3 etc...
What i need to do now is really sit down and plan my studies liow.

1. Pathology sub - 19th Dec
2. Practical work RDB, due soon
3. Presentation for MGBD - Christmas day + 1

May not look much, but you break them apart, u can span 2 pages of tasks with these.

Most will probably know, I am off competitvely from DDR and DM... I really got no time for gaming anymore. Even console game also rarely touch now.

First order for this weekend.
(Friday night) - Spruce up my room
(Sat) - arcade for iidx, dm or ddr... then home to study for pathology
(Sunday) - start revision for pathology (clotting, trauma etc...)
(sunday) - begin revision for MGBD
(Sunday) - Do somethiing...

(Sunday)... i realli need more sundays.


Friday, 2 November 2007

Happy Happy Chem

I am so dog-gone happy…
Did I get a mistress?? No……………
Did I go Geylang get a China chicken?? No……….
Did I go shopping again?? Hell no….

I went over to Bishan last night, and played IIDX and DM V4.
My accomplishment for last night is… (time to ego ego a bit)

Single play 7th Dan pass
Zenieth Extreme – pass with B
Pass a lot more Level 10 songs… except Waxing and Wanding which Jerry can pass but I can’t 
Hard clear my 3rd Level 10 song… forgotten what is it at the moment.
Almost pass (78%) my first 11… 100% mini moo or something on another. Its easy, except the end… from 100% went to 50+… WTH??

Went popular to buy CDs to burn distorted properly… KNN bought DVD+RW… CCB!!!! No use for that on PS2 lor -_-
Need to go over tonite again to buy…
2.60 per disc lor… total cost me around 11 dollars.

Dao’s PE is not here again, me and the guys have been waiting a damn long time lor…
Hopefully Monday will come and on Shin’s ORD date. Then he can zuah IIDX at home.
I am hopeful that he will be the first one to smash KaiDan.
Jerry is also upcoming and inspiring. Some of the songs he can pass I cannot. Damn, he suppressed me!!!! WTF?? Jerry!!!! I passed 7th dan… waiting for you to cross the damn Safari Jungle to clear it too!! Jia you!!!
Not jealous or anything, but I guess I haven been concentrating on IIDX till recently, previously I was just playing for fun for 3 – 5 yrs. I have a long foundation, but lazy to practice.
No more lo…. Need to concentrate a bit on it.
DMGF… I only play 12 times total… 400+ sp… shitty lor.
DDR… tried double venus that day, average grade of B nia… I think I go jump liow… lol